South Korea

Please contact the FIU Education Abroad Office for more information about programs in South Korea.

Our Exploring Korean Language Through Culture course is designed as a practical language course at the intermediate level for students who are already familiar with basic Korean language. Course participants will travel to Korea for a period of two weeks. The course will balance classroom instruction, practical application of language learning, and travel as students learn and use Korean language daily. Participants will apply their Korean knowledge as they shop, use public transportation, navigate the city streets and interact with local people. During the course student will visit Korean cities, villages, mountains, temples, shopping and entertainment centers in order to gain an overview of Korean culture through travel.

In this study abroad program based in Seoul, South Korea, students will engage in intensive language and culture studies. Korea will be experienced through an incorporation of travel and classroom studies. Click here to learn more.

Contact Professor Sugmin Cho at

Kyung Hee University

One semester or full year in Seoul, South Korea.