The last issue of this journal was published in the Summer 2024. Submissions are no longer being accepted.
Interdisciplinary Studies of Modern Japan
The Japan Studies Review is a refereed journal published annually by the Southern Japan Seminar and Asian Studies at Florida International University. As a publication which addresses a variety of cross-disciplinary issues in Japanese studies, Japan Studies Review includes contributions dealing with practical and theoretical topics in the areas of business and economic issues, politics, education and curriculum development, philosophy and aesthetics, gender issues, popular culture, and immigration issues.
ISSN 1550-0713
- Editorial Board
Editorial Board
- Steven Heine, Ph.D.
Professor of Religious Studies and History
Florida International University, SIPA 523, Miami, FL 33199 - Maria Sol Echarren, Ph.D.
Assistant Director, Asian Studies Program
Editorial Advisory Board
- Michaela Mross, Ph.D.
Stanford University
- John A. Tucker, Ph.D.
East Carolina University
- Ann Wehmeyer, , Ph.D.
University of Florida
- Hitomi Yoshio, Ph.D.
Waseda University
Copy and Production
- Maria Sol Echarren, Ph.D.
- Steven Heine, Ph.D.
- Submissions
The last issue of this journal was published in the Summer 2024. Submissions are no longer being accepted.
Our Submissions Include:
- Articles: 20-30 manuscript pages
- Essays: 10-15 manuscript pages
- Book reviews: Books may be provided upon request
- Submissions may be made via email attachment to
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions must follow guidelines to be accepted.
- They must be in Microsoft Word, and Footnotes must follow Chicago style.
- 10 pt font
- Times New Roman
- Articles should be justified
- The first page on each article should have no page #
- Author name on header of even pages, all caps, align right with pg # on left.
- Title of article on header of odd pages, all caps, align left with pg # on right (shortened title, usually first heading before colon or shortened version of long title).
- Advertising is always on even pages (i.e. FIU Foundation)
Margin Format
- Top 1.75”
- Bottom 3”
- Left 2.13”
- Right 2.13”
- Gutter 0”
Page Layout
- Header & Footer 1”
- Check the boxes: different odd and even, different first page
- Japanese terms should be italicized
- Indentation is one tab
- HOMOGENIZE–style not as important. Please make the formatting look as similar as possible
- Book titles are in caps
Please refer to previous JSR issues for reference. All contributions should be addressed to the editors Dr. Steven Heine and Dr. Maria Sol Echarren, who will make the final decisions regarding publication in consultation with the editorial board. The response time is usually 6 weeks.
For further information on how to submit Footnotes, please click here.
- Subscriptions
Annual Subscriptions are usually $45.00 (U.S.A.)
Electronic payments (AHC and Wire) are preferred. Check or money order payable to Florida International University.
To subscribe, simply complete and submit the query form below:
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Send payment to:
Asian Studies
Florida International University
University Park Campus, SIPA 523
Miami, FL 33199For more information, email
- Volume XXVIII | Special Issue (2024)
The special JSR 2024 issue includes a compilation of Dr. Steven Heine's research articles, essays, and book reviews published in the Japan Studies Review.
The aim of this volume is to gather all the contributions to the annual peer-reviewed journal, Japan Studies Review, that were produced by Dr. Steven Heine, Professor of Religious Studies and History and founding director of the Asian Studies Program at Florida International University.
Heine served as editor of the journal for twenty-six volumes, starting from 1998 until the final issue in 2023, and authored numerous articles, essays, translations, and book reviews that are gathered in this special edition.
Many thanks go to the efforts of Dr. María Sol Echarren, the main copyeditor since 2010 and co-editor of the Japan Studies Review since 2018. Echarren has expertly brought the contributions into a single volume, published in this 2024 issue. Thanks also to Melissa Sekkel, Masao Abe, Richard M. Jaffe, Duncan Ryūken Williams, James Mark Shields, Katrina Ankrum, and Xiaohuan Cao for their contributions.
Please address any questions about this or other publications by Dr. Heine to The FIU Asian Studies Program office number is 305-348-1914. Inquiries can be sent to
- Volume XXVII (2023)
The JSR 2023 issue includes research articles covering varied interdisciplinary topics, additional essays, and book reviews.
Welcome to the twenty-seventh volume of the Japan Studies Review (JSR), an annual peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Asian Studies Program at Florida International University. JSR remains an outlet for the Southern Japan Seminar. The 2023 issue contains scholarship on interdisciplinary topics in traditional and contemporary Japanese studies, with a special section dedicated to translation.
This volume features four original articles. In “Shimamura’s Transfigurative Gaze in Snow Country,” Masaki Mori analyzes Kawabata Yasunari’s novel by focusing on the unusual role of the protagonist as an artist-like figure whose aesthetic perception offers an alternative gaze to the occurrences and gender dynamics in the story. Next, “The Sidoti Affair: Religion, Culture, and Society in Early Eighteenth-Century Japan” by Salvatore Ciriacono examines the conflicting legacy of Palermo-born Jesuit missionary Giovanni Battista Sidoti reintroducing Christianity in Japan in the Edo period, his encounter with Arai Hakuseki, and the role of the Dutch influencing the Far East. In “Places and Place-Making in Genji Monogatari: The Kiritsubo Chapter,” Marcela López Bravo approaches the narrative of Genji Monogatari (Tale of Genji) using place-making processes and geocriticism to study the role of place in the Heian Period. In “Zen and the Art of Detection: The Case of Janwillem van de Wetering (1931–2008),” Ben Van Overmeire, Xiao Liu, and Yuan Li explore how the detective fiction by Dutch writer Janwillem van de Wetering reflects Zen Buddhist elements like the role of “emptiness” in the style and content of this literary genre.
There are also three essays. Kazuaki Tanahashi presents an intriguing commentary on contradictory elements of Zen Buddhism in his essay titled “Zen Paradoxes,” illustrated with his own calligraphy. Junko Baba, in “The Dramatic Effect of Graphic Mimetics/Onomatopoeia in Manga,” reveals the multi-modal dramatizing purpose of hand-drawn elements of mimetics and onomatopoeia to enhance suspense elements in the visual narrative and grammar structure of shonen and shojo genres in popular manga. Steven Heine’s “Dōgen’s Approach to Uses of the Buddhist Canon in the ‘Reading Sūtras’ (‘Kankin’ 看經) Fascicle” interprets Zen master Dōgen’s spiritual practice of reading or reciting sūtras through a philosophical discussion of kōan cases in relation to various Zen Buddhist canonical references to this ritual.
A special section on translation appears in this issue: “‘Merging Sameness and Otherness’: A New Translation of the Cantongqi 參同契 With Capping Phrase Commentaries” by Steven Heine with Xiaohuan Cao. Finally, there are three book reviews, including a review article by Stephen Jenkins on Brian Victoria’s Zen Terror in Pre-War Japan; Masaki Mori’s Haruki Murakami and His Early Work, reviewed by María Sol Echarren; and Takeshi Matsuda’s Voluntary Subordination, reviewed by Yoneyuki Sugita.
JSR is now planning the next issue and invites submissions, whether articles, essays, or book reviews, on topics dealing with Japan or comparative studies. Submissions can be sent as an email attachment to
The editors, Steven Heine and Maria Sol Echarren, and members of the editorial board will referee all submissions.
Please visit our archive for PDF versions of the current and past volumes.
Journal Archive
To access the Japan Studies Review journal archive, click on the corresponding volumes.
- Volume XXVI (2022)
JSR 2022 [Volume XXVI]
Table of Contents
Editors' Introduction
Anne Giblin Gedacht
Rihito Mitsui
Contemporary Meaning of the Avatamsaka Philosophy
Kōsei Morimoto
The Presentation of Spirit: A Case Study of the Zen Painting ‘Rushleaf Bodhidharma
Yiqin Sun
Ichinichi Ichizen: On Translating an NHK Guide to Everyday Zen
Jhonatan Baez
The Japanese/Okinawan Descendants in Cuba: A Preliminary View of Transculturation
Elisa Romulo Borges
Book Reviews
Book Reviews by Kevin J. Wetmore, Yuichi Tamura, and Raul Caner Cruz
Complete Issue
- Volume XXV (2021)
JSR 2021 [Volume XXV]
Table of Contents
Editors' Introduction
Steven Heine
Embodied Survival and Demythologization in Kirino Natsuo’s Tokyo Jima
Juliana Buriticá Alzate
Making Movies for the Chinese: Japanese Directors at Manying
Yuxin Ma
Matías Chiappe Ippolito
Swallowtail Butler Café: Cosplay, Otakus, and Cool Japan in Contemporary Japan
Kinko Ito and Paul A. Crutcher
Daniel A. Métraux
Book Reviews
Book Reviews by Wayne E. Arnold, Kinko Ito, Daniel A. Métraux, and Kedao Tong
Complete Issue
- Volume XXIV (2020)
JSR 2020 [Volume XXIV]
Table of Contents
Editors' Introduction
Strategizing Asia: Japan’s Values-Based Diplomacy Amid Great Powers’ Competing Visions for Broader Asia
B. Bryan BarberHow Many Bodies Does it Take to Make a Buddha? Dividing the Trikāya Among Founders of Japanese Buddhism
Victor ForteBehind the Shoji: Sex Trafficking of Japanese Citizens
Rachel Serena LevineThe Infiltrated Self in Murakami Haruki’s “TV People”
Masaki MoriEssays
The Role of Compassion in Actualizing Dōgen’s Zen
George WrisleyHow Journalists’ Bias Can Distort the Truth: A Case Study of Japan’s Military Seizure of Korea in 1904–1905
Daniel A. MétrauxBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XXIII (2019)
Table of Contents
Editors' Introduction
Analysis of the Military Plot against Saionji Kinmochi’s Second Cabinet
Janusz Mytko
Literary Ligations: The Ubume in Early Monstrous Maternity Narratives
Michaela Leah Prostak
Peter Mauch
Following the Footsteps of Wind: Some Remarks on Kuki Shūzō’s Philosophy of Aesthetics
Lorenzo Marinucci
A Translation of Kuki Shūzō’s “A Reflection on Poetic Spirit” (Fūryū ni kansuru ikkōsatsu 風流に関する一考察)
Lorenzo Marinucci
Wakamatsu Farm and the Birth of Japanese America
Daniel A. Métraux
Christopher L. Schilling
Golden Kamuy: Can the Popular Manga Contribute to the Ainu Studies?
Kinko Ito
Book Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XXII (2018)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
How to Fit in: Naming Strategies among Foreign Residents of Japan
Giancarla Unser-SchutzYouth Nationalism in Japan during the Lost Decades
Zeying WuNarratives of the Early Stage of American Occupation in Okinawa
So MizoguchiThe Portrait of an Outcaste Actor: Mikuni Rentarō’s Novel and Coming Out as Burakumin
Noboru TomonariBureaucracy Meets Catastrophe: Global Innovations from Two Decades of Research
Margaret Takeda, Ray Jones, and Marilyn HelmsEssays
Writing Japan: Intertextuality in Enrique Gómez Carrillo’s and Arturo Ambrogi’s Travelogues
Joan Torres-PouAn Oral History of a Young Ainu Mother: Tomoyo Fujiwara Talks about Her Experiences in Contemporary Japan
Kinko Ito and Paul A. CrutcherBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XXI (2017)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Portraying Zen Buddhism by Van Overmeire
Ben Van OvermeireSociety's Influence on Women's Childbearing Decision
Rebecca RichkoEmployment Challenges in Japan
Shiho Futagami and Marilyn M. HelmsGovernment Intervention versus the Market System
Bernice J. deGannes ScottSpecial Edition: Bibliographical Essay
Outside of a Small Circle: Sōtō Zen Commentaries on Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō and the Formation of the 95-Fascicle Honzan (Main Temple) Edition
Steven Heine with Katrina AnkrumEssays
Discourse on Food in World War II Japan
Junko BabaThe Power of Wata No Hara (The Ocean Plain) in Ponyo
Cassandra AthertonBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XX (2016)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Performing Prayer, Saving Genji, and Idolizing Murasaki Shikibu
Satoko NaitoNihilism and Crisis
James Au Kin PongPivot Towards China
Tony Tai-Ting Liu and Ren MuReviving the Power of Storytelling
Shige (CJ) SuzukiJapan’s New English Education Reform Plan
Yuki TakatoriAn Analysis of Murakami Haruki’s “Elephant Vanishes”
Masaki MoriEssays
George Kennan’s Influential 1905 Depiction of Korea
Daniel A. MétrauxA “Normal” Japan and the Externalization of China’s Securitization
Zenel GarciaBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XIX (2015)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Going Postal: Empire Building through Miniature Messages
Fabian BauwensHiroshi Senju’s Waterfall Paintings as Intersections of Innovation
Peter L. DoeblerWine Manga and the Japanese Sommelier's Rise to the Top
Jason Christopher JonesFairness and Japanese Government Subsidies for Sickness Insurances
Yoneyuki SugitaEssays
How the Early Meiji Political Debates Shaped Japanese Political Terminology
Bradly HammondThe Night Crane: Nun Abutsu's Yoru no Tsuru
Eric EstebanBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XVIII (2014)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Misleading Yanagita Kunio: A Neglected Intellectual Lineage Between Enlightenment Thought and Japanese Folklore
Takehiko KojimaOf Kamikaze, Sakura and Gyokusai: Misappropriation of Metaphor in War Propaganda by
Kimiko Akita and Rick KenneyWestern Contributors to the Modernization of Meiji Japan: Hepburn and Verbeck
Hideo WantanabeThe Japanese History Textbook Controversy amid Post-war Sino-Japanese Relations
Gabriela RomeuConstituents of a Global Mindset: An empirical Studies of Japanese Managers
Subramaniam Ananthram, Richard Grainger, and Hideo TominagaEssays
An Elderly Ainu Man's Story: Ethnography
Kinko ItoThe escalating Japan-China Island Dispute and the Potential for War in East Asia
Daniel A. MétrauxTranslation
Selected Translations from the Path of Dreams by Kurahashi Yumiko
S. Yumiko HulveyBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XVII (2013)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Language Conflicts and Language Rights: The Ainu, Ryūkyūans and Koreans in Japan
Stanley Dubinsky and William D. DaviesA Bakery Attack Foiled Again
Masaki MoriConsuming Nostalgia in a Bowl of Noodle Soup At the Shin Yokohama Ramen Museum
Satomi FukutomiA Counter Culture of the 1980's: Ozaki Yutaka's Songs
Shuma IwaiThe Effectiveness and Learners' Perception of Teacher Feedback on Japanese As A Foreign Language Writing by Takahashi
Nobuaki TakahashiEssays
The Rise in Popularity of Japanese Culture With American Youth: Causes of the "Cool Japan" Phenomenon
Jennifer Ann GarciaArousing Bodhi Mind: What is the 'Earth' in Dōgen's Teachings?
Shohaku OkumuraBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XVI (2012)
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Special Section: Language and Linguistics
Strengthening Academic Curricula and Student's Future Careers by Enhancing Japanese Language and Cultural Understanding In International Cooperative Education
Noriko Fujioka-Ito and Gayle G. ElliottLexical Borrowing: A Case Study of the Language Contact Phenomenon in Japan and China
Xuexin LiuMinority Language Education in Japan
Rong Zhang and Xue CaoArticles
Japanese Professors Resist University Reforms During the U.S. Occupation
Ruriko KumanoThe Function of Manga: The Function of Manga to Shape and Reflect Japanese Identity
Maria Rankin-Brown and Morris Brown, Jr.School Rules and National Development in Postwar Japan
Yuichi TamuraFeatured Essay
Tsugaru Gaku: The Contributions of Chihōgaku to Japanese Studies
Anthony S. RauschBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XV (2011)
JSR 2011 [Volume XV]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Special Section: Women and Popular Culture
Introduction. Manga, Maiko, and Aidoru: Girl Cool in Japanese Popular Culture
Jan BardsleyEma: The new Face of Jane Austen in Japan
Inger Sigrun BrodeyMaiko Boom: The Revival of Kyoto's Novice Geisha
Jan BardsleyErokakkoii: Changing Images of Female Idols in Contemporary Japan
Yuki WantanabeFraming the Sensual: Japanese Sexuality in Ladies' Comics
Kinko ItoTaking Girls Seriously in "Cool Japan" Ideology
Laura MillerArticles
Edward Said and the Japanese: British Representations of Japan in the Years Before the Sino-Japanese War
Stephen SmithThe Forgotten Script Reform: Language Policy in Japan's Armed Forces
Yuki TakatoriFeatured Essay
Watsuji Tetsurō's Mask and Persona
Translated by Carl M. JohnsonBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XIV (2010)
JSR 2010 [Volume XIV]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Specters of Modernity: Japanese Horror Uncovers Anxiety For a Post-Bubble America
Michael J. BlouinBrewing Spirits Brewing Songs: Saké, Haikai, and the Aestheticization of Suburban Space in Edo Period Itami
W. Puck BrecherBeauty and the Breck: The Psychology of Idealized Light Skin in vis-á-vis Asian Women
Ronald E. HallJack London's First Encounter with Japan: The Voyage of the Sophie Sutherland and his First Asian Writing
Daniel A. MétrauxVarieties of Corporate Finance in Japanese Industrialization
Yumiko MoriiSweet Music from a Strange Country: Japanese Women Poets as "Other"
Bern MulveyBob Dylan's Zen Garden: Cross Cultural Currents in His Approach to Religiosity
Steven HeineEssays
What Skills Should the Student Possess After Courses in Business Japanese?
Yuki MatsudaBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XIII (2009)
JSR 2009 [Volume XIII]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
The Triviality of a Pop Song: How Murakami's Characters Overcome Detachedness
Christopher MihaloThe Healing Process in Two Religious Worlds
Leila Marrach Basto de AlbuquerqueGanguro in Japanese Youth Culture: Self-Identity in Cultural Conflict
Xuexin LiuThe Soka Gakkai in Cambodia
Daniel A. MétrauxNew Trends in the Production of Japanese Ladies' Comics: Diversification and Catharsis
Kinko ItoDisaster-Relief Confucian-Style: Ninomiya Sontoku's Philosophical Approach to Late-Tokugawa Poverty
John A. TuckerSacred Pariahs: Hagiographies of Alterity, Sexuality, and Salvation in Atomic Bomb Literature
Yuki MiyamotoFeatured Essay
Dōgen and Plato on Literature and Enlightenment
Carol S. GouldBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XII (2008)
JSR 2008 [Volume XII]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Meanings of Tattoos in the Context of Identity Construction: A Study of Japanese Students in Canada
Mieko YamadaCuriosities of the Five Nations: Nansoan Shohaku's Yokohama Tales
Todd S. MunsonChina in Japanese Manga: A Not So Funny Controversy?
Kinko Ito and Charles MusgroveAmerican Cultural Policy toward Okinawa 1945-1950s
Chizuru SaekiEssays
The Fine Art of Imperialism: Japan's Participation in International Expositions of the Nineteenth Century
Martha ChaiklinU.S.-Japan Collegiate Student Exchanges: Challenges and Opportunities
Kiyoshi KawahitoBounded Thought: Area Studies and the Fluidity of Academic Disciplines
Robin KietlinskiLearning From Hurricane Katrina: Complexity and Urgency in the Holistic Management Model (A Research Note)
Marilyn M. Helms, Ray Jones, and Margaret B. TakedaBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume XI (2007)
JSR 2007 [Volume XI]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
The Japanese Fear of Christianity and European Nationalism in the Diplomacy of Commodore Matthew C. Perry
William J. FargeLearning From Kobe: Complexity and Urgency in the Holistic Management Model
Marilyn M. Helms, Ray Jones, and Margaret B. TakedaSymbiotic Conflict in Snow Country
Masaki MoriLine in the Water: The Southern Kuriles and the Russian-Japanese Relationship
Thomas E. RotnemThe Genbun'itchi Society and the Drive to "Nationalize" the Japanese Language
Paul ClarkEssays
Esoteric Buddhism in the Works of Juan Valera
Juan Torres-PouModern Girls and New Women in Japanese Cinema
Maureen TurimJapan Through Other's Lenses: Hiroshima Mon Amor (1959) and Lost in Translation (2003)
Frank P. TomasuloImmaculate Confession
Michael AlvarezBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume X (2006)
JSR 2006 [Volume X]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
The Changing Views of the Zhuangzi in Kagami Shikō's Haikai Theory
Peipei QiuJapanese People Watching Subtitled Japanese-Language TV Shows: Function or Aesthetic
Yuki WatanabeMeaning and Representation of Traditional Craft: The Case for a Local Japanese Laquerware
Anthony RauschMiddle-Aged Japanese Women's Love Affair with Winter Sonata and Its Social Implications
Kinko ItoEssays
Pedagogy and Experience: Bringing Japan into the Classroom
Dwight Lang, Jay Losey, Sabita Manian, Marianna Ortega, Barbara Jean Scott, and Jane Reinhart, SpaldingThe Development of a Japanese Studies Program at Florida International University
Steven HeineStudent Essay
Foreign Workers in Japan: A Look at Japanese Cultural Perspectives Regarding Nikkeijin
Natali Garcia-DiazBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume IX (2005)
JSR 2005 [Volume IX]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Depopularizing the Popular: Tentori Haikai and the Bashō Revival
Cheryl CrowleyFrom Fukuzawa to Blaut: On the Origins of Japanese Eurocentrism
Daniel K.T. Woo
National Morality, the State, and “Dangerous Thought”: Approaching the Moral Ideal in Late Meiji Japan
Richard ReitanKaraoke Learning in Japan: Individual Expression in a Group Context
Hideo Watanabe
Featured Essay
A One-Week Retreat at a Zen Monastery in Japan: An Ethnographic Participant-Observation
Kinko Ito
Student Essays
Inger Sigrun Brodey
Paths Present and Future: Yojimbo and the Trail of the Zen Detective
Matt DaleAesthetics of American Zen: traditional Adaptation and Innovation in the Rochester Zen Center Garden
Jeff Wilson
Taxicab Enlightenment: Zen and the Importance of Performing Kerouac in Satori in Paris
Paul WorleyMother Gaia: A Glimpse into the Buddhist Aesthetic of Gary Snyder
Jeff W. Russell
Book Reviews
Complete JSR Edition
- Volume VIII (2004)
JSR 2004 [Volume VIII]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Yuichi Tamura
Party Faction and Coalition Dynamics in Japan
Monir Hossain Moni
Masaka Mori
Zatō Plays in Kyōgen: Satire and Symbolism
Junko Baba
Japanese Business Schools as Senmon Gakkō: With Special Reference to U.S. CPA Examination
Kiyoshi Kawahito
The Place of Japanese Philosophy by
James W. Heisig
Book Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume VII (2003)
JSR 2003 [Volume VII]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
The Fifty Year War: Rashomon, Afterlife, and Japanese Film Narratives by Remembering
Mike SugimotoThe Tanka Poetry of Yosano Akiko: Transformation of Tradition Through the Female Voice
Harriette D. Grissom
Civil Servant or Obedient Servant? Ideal(ized) Officials in 16th Century Japan
Ronald K. Frank
The Farce of the "Great Russian Salvation Tour:" The Legacy of Aum Shinrikyo in Mother Russia
Daniel A. Metraux
Anime and Historical Inversion in Miyazaki Hayao's Princess Mononoke
John A. TuckerBook Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume VI (2002)
JSR 2002 [Volume VI]
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
Economic Knowledge and the Science of National Income in Twentieth Century Japan
Scott P. O'Bryan
Cross-Dressing and Culture in Modern Japan
Ma Yuxin
Transcultural Progressions In/Of Mahikari: Religious Syncretism in Martinique
Erin Leigh Weston
Planning, Organizing and Executing a Short-Term Field Study Course in Japan
Tory Festervand and Kiyoshi Kawahito
Steven Heine with Melissa Sekkel
Evil, Sin, Falsity and the Dynamics of Faith
Masao Abe edited by Steven Heine
Book Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume V (2001)
JSR 2001 [Volume V]
Table of Contents
Volume V
Bashō's Fūryū and the Aesthetic of Shōyōyū Poetics of Eccentricity and Unconventionally
Peipei QiuChristopher Ives
OYASAMA, God the Parent and the Role of Women in Tenrikyō
Elizabeth Cameron GalbraithYoichiro Sato
Featured Essay
Karen Tei Yamashita
Book Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume IV (2000)
JSR 2000 [Volume IV]
Table of Contents
Volume IV
The Manga Culture in Japan
Kinko ItoThe Aspects of Authoritarianism Among Japanese People
Ayako Mizumura
The Appropriation of Japanese Zen Buddhism in Brazil
Christina Moreira de Rocha
From the Banning of Moral Education to the Creation of Social Studies in occupied Japan
Harry Wray
The American Educational Establishment's Depiction of Japanese Education
Lucien Ellington
Book Reviews
Complete Issue
- Volume I-III (1997-1999)
JSR 1997-99 [Volume I,II,III]
The table of contents are available as pdf files for the following volumes: