Graduate Certificate Programs

The Asian Studies program offers a number of Certificate Programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Each certificate requires a minimum of 15 credits of studies with a specific focus on an aspect of Asian culture, society, language, or business.

Students cannot pursue a graduate certificate as a stand-alone program; graduate certificates must be sought alongside a graduate degree program.

  • Asian Globalization Graduate Certificate Program

    The Graduate Certificate in Asian Globalization emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to the studies of Asia on the global stage. This program offers a 15-credit sequence of courses that provides graduate students with an in-depth learning experience of an increasingly important region (Asia) in comparison with another world region such as Africa, Europe, Latin America, or the Middle East. This program allows students the opportunity to study thematic issues related to Asia such as migration, identity, trade, education, technology, environment, and international affairs from a multidisciplinary, multiregional approach.

    Requirements (15 Credits)

    Students must take 9 credits of courses in Asian Studies in addition to 6 credits of courses in another specific region. All students are to choose from the courses listed below with the approval of the Director with a grade of B or better.

    Core/Required Course (3 credits)

    ASN 5315 Topics in Modern Asia
    ASN 5050 Methods in Asian Studies
    ASN 6930 Asian Studies Seminar

    Core in Asian Studies (6 credits)

    See sample list of courses below to fulfill this category.

    Electives in Globalization (6 credits)

    See sample list of courses below to fulfill this category. 

    Sample Courses in Asian Studies or Comparative Topics

    • ASH 5546 Pre-Modern Japan
    • ASH 5905 Readings in Asian History
    • ASH 5930 Topics in Asian History
    • ASN 5910 Asian Values in Business
    • ASN 5130 Zen and the Arts
    • CPO 5091 Seminar in Comparative Politics
    • ECO 5709 World Economy
    • ECO 5735 Multinational Corporations
    • ECP 5707 International Economic Problems and Policies
    • HIS 5289 Comparative History
    • IDS 6938 Great Ideas Seminar: Human Nature
    • INR 5544 The New Asian Century
    • INR 5086 Islam in International Relations
    • INR 5315 Foreign Policy Analysis
    • INR 6205 World Politics
    • INR 6017 Comparative Approaches to Area Studies and Global Issues
    • MUH 5057 Music of the World
    • MUH 5575 Survey of Asian Music
    • REL 5346 Seminar on Buddhism
    • REL 5352 Religions of East Asia
    • REL 6395 Seminar in Asian Religions
    • SYD 6655 Seminar on Social Change in Asia

    In addition to area studies courses, relevant special topics, independent study, study abroad credits, and area studies or comparative studies courses may also be applied with the approval of an Asian Studies advisor or Program Director. Please email to inquire about a specific course that is not on this sample list.


    • Language proficiency as appropriate for the student's area specialization

    For a list of available courses, see the Complete List of Courses.

  • Asian Studies Graduate Certificate Program

    Program Description

    The Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies provides students with a dynamic learning experience about a fascinating and increasingly important region of the world, and the certificate must be pursued in conjunction with another graduate program at FIU. At 15 credits (5 courses) this program provides an overview of the philosophy, religion, art history, language, and literature of Asia as well as issues in history, politics, geography, sociology/anthropology, and international relations. Students can choose between two areas of concentration, language or non-language, for the Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies.

    This program is available to students who are enrolled in a graduate program at FIU who wish to develop a specialized focus on Asia.

    Requirements (15 credits):

    Core Course (3 credits)

    Choose one of the following:

    • ASN 5315 Topics in Modern Asia
    • ASN 5050 Methods in Asian Studies
    • ASN 6930 Asian Studies Seminar
    • Other ASN course with Program Director's approval

    Regional Studies Courses (12 credits):

    Sample courses in studies of Asia or a sub-region (additional courses will be considered):

    • ASH 5446 Pre-modern Japan
    • ASH 5905 Readings in Asian History
    • ASN 5120 Religion and Society in Japan
    • ASN 5131 Zen and the Arts II
    • ASN 5171 International Relations of Contemporary China
    • ASN 5211 Asian Cultures and Influences
    • ASN 5306 Applying Asian Cultural Values in Business
    • ASN 5605 Silk Road: Then and Now
    • ASN 5815 Studies of Classical East Asian Texts
    • ASN 5910 Independent Research in Asian Studies
    • ASN 5932 Special Topics in Asian Studies
    • ASN 6930 Seminar in Asian Studies
    • ECO 5206 Economics of Asia
    • INR 5544 The New Asian Century
    • INR 5086 Islam in International Relations
    • REL 5346 Seminar on Buddhism
    • REL 5352 Religions of East Asia
    • REL 6395 Seminar in Asian Religions
    • SYD 6655 Seminar on Social Change in Asia

    For a list of available courses, see the Complete List of Courses. Please email to inquire about a specific course that is not on this sample list.

  • Japanese Studies Graduate Certificate Program

    Program Description

    The objective of the Graduate Certificate in Japanese Studies is to provide interdisciplinary graduate instruction in the culture and society of Japan within the context East Asian area studies. This program is available to students who are enrolled in the Asian Studies M.A., as well as students in other programs who wish to develop a specialized focus on Japan.

    Certificate Requirements (15 credits):

    Core Courses: (6 credits)

    Must choose two of the following:

    ASN 5050 Methods in Asian Studies
    ASN 5130 Zen and the Arts
    ASN 5315 Survey of Modern Asia
    ASH 5446 Pre-modern Japan
    ASN 6930 Asian Studies Seminar
    FOW 5934 Special Topics in Language/Literature: Reading/Translating JPN LIT
    SYD 5656 Global Japan

    Electives: (9 credits)
    ARH 5550C Art of China and Japan
    ASH 5905 Readings in Asian History
    ASH 5930 Topics in Asian History
    ASN 5120 Religion and Society in Japan
    ASN 5131 Zen and the Arts II
    ASN 5211 Asian Cultures and Influences
    ASN 5306 Applying Asian Cultural Values in Business
    ASN 5815 Studies of Classical East Asian Texts
    ASN 5910 Independent Research in Asian Studies
    ASN 5932 Special Topics in Asian Studies: Politics of Japan
    ASN 6930 Seminar in Asian Studies
    INR 5543 International Political Economy of East Asia
    INR 5544 The New Asian Century
    REL 5352 Religions of East Asia
    REL 6395 Seminar in Asian Religions
    SYD 6655 Seminar on Social Change in Asia

    Other courses can be approved by permission of the Program Director and Coordinating Committee. Please email to inquire about a specific course that is not on this sample list.

    For a list of available courses, see the Complete List of Courses.