Program Description
The Asian Globalization and Latin America Certificate (AGLA) is an 18-credit course of study designed for degree-seeking students. The certificate focuses on the language and culture of both Asia and Latin America (specifically Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish), while allowing the student to specialize in such fields as anthropology, business, dance, fine arts, history, international relations, music, philosophy, and religion as related to the regions.
The certificate represents a way to gain specialized knowledge of integrative, trans-regional issues in relation to Asia and Latin America. It is only available to degree-seeking students.
View Catalog requirements here.
As of Spring 2020, this certificate is also available fully online for degree-seeking students.
Requirements (18 Credits)
Courses are to be chosen in consultation with and approval of an advisor. A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses (C- is not acceptable).
Students can apply credit from independent study, internship, or study abroad with the approval of the Asian Studies advisor or Program Director. Students must complete:
- 2 semesters of primary language family AND 1 semester of the other language family - See Language Requirement below. (A maximum of 9 language credits will be applied toward the certificate)
- 1 Asian Area Studies course (3 credits) - Courses with the ASN-prefix are accepted - Sample course list is below. See an advisor for other course options.
- ASN 3015 South Asian Cultures
- ASN 3016 China Then and Now
- ASN 3125 Spirituality of Japan
- ASN 3143 Corporate Culture of China (Global Learning)
- ASN 3200 Asia Through Film
- ASN 3202 Japanese Anime and Manga
- ASN 3210 K-Pop and J-Pop Culture
- ASN 3329 Women in Asian Society
- ASN 3403 Zen and the Art of Tea Ceremony I
- ASN 3410 Introduction to East Asia (UCC Foundations Global Learning OR Discipline-Specific Global Learning)
- ASN 3414 Pop Cultures of East Asia
- ASN 3503 Exploring East Asia: Virtual Reality Travel
- ASN 3931 Special Topics in Asian Studies
- ASN 4111 Japan and the New East
- ASN 4404 Zen and the Art of Tea Ceremony II (no prerequisites required)
- ASN 4810 East Asian Classics to Cool Writings in Translation
- ASN 4913 Research in Japanese Studies
- 1 Latin American Area Studies course (3 credits)
- AMH 4588 Introduction to Latina/o History
- CPO 3304 Politics of Latin America
- CPO 4303 Politics of South America
- CPO 4323 Politics of the Caribbean
- CPO 4333 Politics of Central America
- CPO 4340 Politics of Mexico
- CPO 4360 Cuban Politics
- LAH 3132 The Formation of Latin America
- LAH 4734 Latin American History Through Film
- LAS 3002 Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
- LAS 4294 Contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean
- LAH 4471 Colonial Caribbean in Comparative Perspective
- LAH 4482 Cuba: 18th-20th Centuries
- LAH 4483 Cuba Since 1959
- LAH 4600 History of Brazil
- LAH Politics of Race and Nation in Brazil
- LAH 4721 History of Women in Latin America
- LAH 4722 Health, Medicine, and Disease in Latin American Social History
- LAH 4731 Latin American Environmental History
- LAH 4734 Latin American History Through Film
- LAH 4737 Music, Modernity, and Identity in Latin American History
- LAH 4932 Topics in Latin American History
- INR 4032 Asia and Latin America in World Affairs
- 1 Global or Comparative Studies course (3 credits) - Sample course list is below. See an advisor for other course options.
- ANT 3212 World Ethnographies
- ANT 3016 Language and Culture
- REL 3308 Studies in World Religions
- COM 3461 Intercultural/Interracial Communication
- CPO 3010 Comparative Politics:Theory and Practice
- CPO 4742 Comparative Political Economy
- GEO 3001 Geography of Global Change
- GEO 4354 Geography of the Global Food System
- IDS 3315 Gaining Global Perspectives
- LIN 4640 Languages and Cultures of the World
- SYP 4454 Globalization and Society
- SSE 4380 Developing a Globalized Perspective
- INR 3045 The Global Challenge of Refugees and Immigrants
- SYP 3456 Societies of the World
- SYD 4604 Cities and Sustainability: Latin America, Africa, and Asia in a Globalizing World
Language Requirement
All students are required to demonstrate proficiency (two semesters) in one language group and familiarity (one semester) in the other. Students already demonstrating proficiency in an Asian or Latin American language may be exempt from this requirement. This requirement may be satisfied through examination (see advisor), course work, or by following one of the following sequences:
Group A: Asian Studies
- CHI 1130 Chinese I
- CHI 1131 Chinese II
- CHI 2200 Intermediate Chinese I
- CHI 2201 Intermediate Chinese II
- CHI 3400 Intermediate Chinese Conversation
- CHI 3410 Advanced Chinese I
- CHI 3440 Business Chinese
- JPN 1130 Japanese I
- JPN 1131 Japanese II
- JPN 2200 Intermediate Japanese I
- JPN 2201 Intermediate Japanese II
- JPN 3140 Japanese for Business
- JPN 3242 Intermediate Japanese Conversation
- JPN 3243 Advanced Japanese Composition
- JPN 3400 Advanced Japanese I
- JPN 3401 Advanced Japanese II
- JPN 3412 Advanced Japanese Conversation
- JPN 3420 Japanese Through Technology
- KOR 1113 Korean I
- KOR 1132 Korean II
- KOR 2220 Intermediate Korean I
- FOL 3930 Special Topics: Korean for Business
Group B: Portuguese and Spanish
- POR 1130 Portuguese I
- POR 1131 Portuguese II
- POR 2200 Intermediate Portuguese
- POR 3202 Accelerated Portuguese I
- POR 3233 Accelerated Portuguese II
- POR 3244 Intermediate Portuguese Conversation
- POR 3400 Advanced Oral Communication
- POR 3420 Review Grammar and Writing I
- POR 3421 Review Grammar and Writing II
- POR 3440 Portuguese for Business
- SPN 1130 Spanish I
- SPN 1131 Spanish II
- SPN 2200 Intermediate Spanish I
- SPN 2201 Intermediate Spanish II
- SPN 2210 Oral Communication Skills
- SPN 2233 Intermediate Readings in Spanish
- SPN 2240 Intermediate Spanish Conversation
- SPN 2330 Advanced Readings in Spanish
- SPN 2340 Intermediate Spanish for Native Speakers
- SPN 2341 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish for Native Speakers
- SPN 3301 Review Grammar and Writing
- SPN 3343 Advanced Spanish for Native Speakers
- SPN 3401 Advanced Conversation
- SPN 3410 Advanced Oral Communication
- SPN 3422 Advanced Grammar and Composition I
- SPN 3423 Advanced Grammar and Composition II
- SPN 3440 Spanish Business Composition/Correspondence
- SPN 3444 Spanish for Businees in Latin America and Caribean
For a complete list of available courses, visit the Undergraduate Courses page.
For questions about a particular course, please email