Program Description
The certificate in Japanese Studies provides a multidisciplinary approach covering the philosophy, religion, art history, and literature of Japan as well as issues in history, politics, geography, sociology/anthropology, and international relations. The program is intended to enhance degree-seeking student's competitiveness upon graduation. This certificate is only available to degree-seeking students.
View Catalog requirements here.
This certificate is not available for fully online degree seeking students.
Requirements (18 Credits)
A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses (C- is not acceptable).
- 4 semesters of Japanese Language (up to 12 credits can apply toward certificate)
- Two courses in Japanese or East Asia area studies (6 credits)
- Students may receive credits through study abroad (JPN 3955 - Foreign Study: Japan) or internship programs.
Japanese Language Course Offerings
- JPN 1130 Japanese I
- JPN 1131 Japanese II
- JPN 2200 Intermediate Japanese I
- JPN 2201 Intermediate Japanese II
- JPN 3000 Japanese Calligraphy
- JPN 3140 Japanese for Business
- JPN 3242 Intermediate Japanese Conversation
- JPN 3243 Advanced Japanese Composition
- JPN 3400 Advanced Japanese I
- JPN 3401 Advanced Japanese II
- JPN 3412 Advanced Japanese Conversation
- JPN 3420 Japanese Through Technology
Placement examination
Placement examinations are given to students who have studied Japanese prior to coming to FIU. Please contact Naoko Komura ( for more details.
Study Abroad in Japan
The following universities offer semester and year exchange programs. Additionally, a six-week intensive language program is offered in Ritsumeikan University.
- Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka
- Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba
- Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
Japanese or East Asian area studies Course Offerings
All courses with the ASN-prefix are applicable
- ARH 4552 Arts of China and Japan
- ASH 3440 History of Japan
- ASH 4300 East Asia Civilization
- ASH 4384 History of Women in Asian Society
- ASH 4451 Samurai, Shogun, Sumo and Shopkeepers: A Social and Cultural History of Edo Japan
- CPO 4507 Comparative Political Economics of Asia
- ECS 3200 Economics of Asia
- INR 3223 Japan and the United States
- INR 3224 International Relations of East Asia
- JPN 3500 Japanese Culture and Society
- REL 3308 Studies in World Religions
- REL 3310 Introduction to Asian Religions
- REL 3316 Healing in Asian Religions
- SYD 4412 Cities in Asia
- SYD 4451 Japanese Society in Global Perspective
For a complete list of available courses, see the Undergraduate Courses page. If you have any further questions about a particular course, please email