Academic Learning Compact

WHAT: The Academic Learning Compact (ALC) is a Florida state mandate that requires universities belonging to the State University System to develop well-defined student learning outcomes for each undergraduate degree program as well as a form to assess these learning outcomes.

WHEN: Asian Studies has developed both the ALC and an assessment form for the B.A. in Asian Studies (listed below) that were implemented in Fall 2006.

HOW: Students will be required to participate in assessment activities throughout the course of their studies.

Bachelor in Arts in Asian Studies

Learning Outcomes

Content/Discipline Knowledge

  • Demonstrate familiarity with the culture and traditions or the international political economy (depending on field of concentration) of one or more Asian sociolinguistic regions or countries.
  • Demonstrate intermediate proficiency of an Asian language.

Critical Thinking

  • Demonstrate the capacity to relate social and cultural traditions or the international political economy of one or more Asian sociolinguistic regions or countries to contemporary phenomena.
  • Identify strategies to conduct inquiries in the field of Asian studies when designing a research project.

Oral and Written Communication

  • Construct academic arguments, handle material judiciously, and communicate independent perspectives in oral and written forms.


  • Demonstrate technological proficiency through presentations and other assignments